It's totally impossible, and to make matters worse Colette has been coming to bed with us on account of her not feeling well. Sick children tend not to lie very still. I don't know if it's due to lack of sleep or just the end of pregnancy hormones, but I've been feeling really grouchy and emotional these past few days.
Overall this pregnancy has by far gone the best then my other three but this last month has been the worst as far as being extremely achy. I am ready for my baby and I to be two separate people. I feel like one large lump.

My Poor husband Shawn has been a great sport but I know that he too would like to get his wife back.
I am about one week away from the due date but I have my reservations about that as well. I have always been about two weeks late and that would put me in early August which just seems VERY far away when I already feel like I can’t go on like this one more day. *sigh* Oh well, All for thee, Jesus.
This is a 3-D picture of what a 3rd Term baby looks like. Pretty cramped in there.