I can't help but be extremely disappointed in my follow Americans today. We are literally killing ourselves, yet somehow this is progress?
California Rejected The Parents Right to Know proposition.I just don’t get this one. I really thought that this would pass. We are hurting our children more then we now.
Missouri passed the stem-cell billMillions of embryos could soon be used and discarded without a thought for their little souls.
Dakota rejected the abortion measureand
Arizona rejected the gay marriage banThe Catholic Church teaches that it is a mortal sin to vote for a politician that supports abortion if there is a candidate running who is against abortion (
read more).
The pro-life issue trumps all other issues people; and this not me saying this, this the Church.
To be Catholic is to be unconditionally pro-life. We just have to keep praying for God to have mercy on our country. Have Mercy, Jesus. Have Mercy.