Gerard, my 3 year old in April, decided today that he wanted to make a tower with all the toilette rolls we had stored in one of our narrow bathroom cupboards. Now all mothers know that when it comes to greediness in toddlers there is no true difference in their sex, so it comes as no surprise that Gerard
had to have the last two rolls that were shoved in the far back of the cupboard. I do not have the complete details as how it happened but he managed to get his head and one arm stuck in our very narrow cupboard. Joseph (4 years old) was the one that came running out too the living room yelling that Gerard was stuck and needed help. Some of you might be wondering why I did not come running to Gerard’s as soon as I heard the cries but I just have to say for the record that Gerard gets stuck A LOT and its usually a not to bad situation. Anyway, when I saw the gravity of it all I went into a whole different mode. Gerard’s head and arm would not come out and to make matters worse he desperately needed a diaper change. I tried different ways to get him out but the screams only got worse. Vaseline, short of calling 911, seemed to be my best bet. No luck. I was starting to get panicky but didn’t want him and Joseph knowing it. Joseph kept telling me through Gerard’s screams and me trying to calm him down that “Maybe we should get band-aids mom?” I really did not want to call 911, my reasoning at the time that I did not want Gerard wanting that long for help but I was getting to point that I did not know what else to do. I was afraid that his arm could break if I tried pulling harder or lifting him in different positions. Finally in a desperate attempt amidst the screams I smothered Vaseline in all the places I could, said a swift,
“you better help me kind of prayer” and don’t ask me how but got a very red eared little boy out.
My thoughts and reactions – Complete relief, Could cry at any moment, So happy that I have my little boys head and arm back where I can see them. More then ready to embrace my sweet Gerard and give him all the comfort and love he needs.
Gerard’s words and reactions – 1. Out pops his head and arm
2. Wipes his eyes smeared with tears and snots
3. Says in a calm and extremely hurried voice, “Mom, could you get me the rolls please?” pointing to the back of the cupboard.
4. I get them for him not knowing what else to do or say. “Thanks mom.” He says and runs out of the bathroom with Joseph to finish his !%* tower.
(sigh) I’m sure it will be funny tomorrow.
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