I think I can safely say that this week has been one of the more challenging ones God has asked of me in a long time. It all started the 22 of April when I realized that despite my best efforts I had developed a tract infection. I have already had one this pregnancy and really did not want to go on antibiotic again. Since it was the weekend anyway I thought I would pump up on cranberry, Vitamin C see and all those other herbal pills to get me through this. I guess I caught it too late because by Tuesday I felt *Ugh* the worse I ever wanted to get. Thank heavens my aunt volunteered to watch my children for the morning for I do not know how I would of coped. Shawn came home to help go to the doctors. Well to make a long story short my doctor was not in and the office refused to place me with someone else since I am having a home birth and they don’t want to be held accountable, can you believe it? I finally had to just go to ER too get the darn subscription. While waiting in the ER I started to get real clammy and thats when the effects of the flu hit me…hard. *sigh* What a day. For the next few days I was pretty much in bed having no appetite what so ever. Colette got it next. A 17 month old with the throw-up flu is not a fun thing as one can imagine. Friday seemed like things were getting back to normal. I actual was able to get down to Bakersfield with my cousin Julie while her sister watched my children for a few hours until Shawn would get home. I had a very enjoyable afternoon…lol until I got back. I walk into the house and see vomit on my rug minus a body over it. My husband throwing up in the bathroom and Gerard standing next to him half undressed with vomit on himself. Colette is screaming in her crib and Joseph who threw up earlier is in Gerard’s bed with a bowl next to his face. I don’t think I need to go on. You can get the picture of how the rest of my week went.
Why is it that when most likely needs their doctor they are not there? A child will always choose to become ill in the middle of the night. And last but not least: Any child who throws up will have invariably eaten something red, something chocolatey or something that requires a fork to clean it up?
By the end of our Flu invasion I was a basket case. I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was when I brought the boys something to drink and Gerard asked me what it was. I replied that it was 7-UP and he said, “no its not, it soda.” I fled to my bedroom crying hysterically. After that anything and everything could make me cry.
It’s been two days now that things have been calm. The laundry is running smoothly again. I know that more then likely we I have many more days like these but all I can do is ask God for the grace to get through one day at a time.
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