Our community is reeling after hearing news that Matthew Covey might very well have died. He and a friend were by the ohio river sometime Saturday morning when they decided to jump from the Fort Steuben Bridge. The friend never actually saw Matt jump since he himself got hurt from jumping and went to their tuck to take care of himself. Matthew has not been seen since. Emergency crews spent much of Saturday and Sunday searching the Ohio River Matt but called off the search yesterday.
His mom and dad are there now as I type this. His mother was at the birth of my baby Emily.
Matthew was only 24 years old and a good friend to many people here. We will really miss him. For those of you that read this would you please say three “Hail Mary’s” for Matthew, his family and that they find the body so there can be some kind of closer.
Matt we will never forgott you. Until we meet again. May you reast in peace.
Matthews Body Has Been Found - For all of you that prayed for the recovery of Matthews’s body, thank you. He was discovered shortly after his mother flew in from California. In his mothers words, “he was beautiful.” We praise you Jesus that they found him so family and friends can start having closure.
This is so terribly, terribly sad. I cannot even imagine what you are all feeling right now. His poor parents.
I will pray for him now and in our Rosary tonight.
May this story and video bring you comfort... He is in God's hands now.
Oh man, I hate hearing this. My name's also Matthew Covey and it scared the crap out of me when I read this. My condolonces to his family.
Matthew was fmaily and will always be in our hearts. I miss you so much and there isn't a day that goes by that i think about you. I hope your having fun with GOD. I lvoe you Matthew..
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