Our Holy Mother Church is very generous in granting us many opportunities to be generous to the Holy Souls during the month of November.
An indulgence can either be partial or plenary. It is partial if it removes only part of the temporal punishment due to sin, or plenary if it removes all punishment.
To attain a plenary indulgence, three conditions must accompany the prescribed act:
1. the faithful must receive the sacrament of confession, either eight days before or after the pious act is performed,
2. receive Holy Communion on that day
3. and recite prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father (one Our Father and one Hail Mary is the minimum, but any other additional prayers may be added).
A partial indulgence can be obtained by devoutly visiting a cemetery and praying for the departed, even if the prayer is only mental. One can gain a plenary indulgence visiting a cemetery each day between November 1 and November 8. These indulgences are applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory.
A plenary indulgence, again applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, is also granted when the faithful piously visit a church or a public oratory on November 2. In visiting the church or oratory, it is required, that one Our Father and the Creed be recited.
Prayer of St. Gertrude for the Holy Souls
Our Lord promised would save 1,000 souls from purgatory.
Eternal Father, I offer you the Most Precious Blood of yoru Divine Son, Jesus, in union with all the masses said throughout the world today for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."

The pain of purgatory is greater than any pain that can be experienced on earth. But she also says that the pain of purgatory is more joyful than the greatest joys on earth.
--St. Catherine of Genoa
The holy souls are eager for the prayers of the faithful which can gain indulgences for them. Their intercession is powerful. Pray unceasingly. We must empty Purgatory! -- St. Padre Pio.
"Become our deliverers and we will become your powerful intercessors forever."
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