Saturday, March 19, 2005

First Post!

Ok, I've been trying to get a blog going for a while with Movable Type so I could have more options but alas to have options one needs to be a little more adept at HTML. I will learn but in the meantime E-Blogger will do just fine.

Terrie Schiavo has been with outthought food and water now for about 24 hours. I am sick at heart to know that this is going on. It is hard for me to believe that there are such people in the world that could starve someone to death. What a terrible, terrible way to die. When Schindler attorney Barbara Weller told Terri they were going to remove her feeding tube, "Terri began to cry and tried to say 'I want to live..' Attorney Weller said she had a difficult time calming Terri down." Have Mercy Dear Lord on us all.

I hope to update from time to time on my day-to-day life as a wife and mother of my little ones. Joseph 2-1/2 Gerard 2 and Colette 3 months will no doubt give me plenty to write about.

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