Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Blanket of Wipes

Do you ever have those times when the children have been playing wonderfully together for at least 45 minutes without any problems? When one has little ones ages 4 down, these times only come once in a very great while. I happen to be experience this blissful time right now. I can hear Joseph and Gerard playing together happily in their room while Colette is in her crib watching them.

There is a catch though...

A few minutes ago I crept back there to check on them. Joseph was playing with his little people; Colette was playing with her books and GERARD… well Gerard was sitting in the middle of the room covering himself up with wipes. The freshly opened pack of wipes are probably at this point laying all around him as his blanket. They KNOW daddy and I don’t like it when they do this but there he is ruining them all. So here’s the dilemma, do I go in there and scold him for taking out the wipes and put them all back and try to salvage some of them or do I just walk away knowing that if I were to walk in, the “happy play” would end. Colette would remember that I abandoned her; boys would be hunger and so on and so forth. *sigh* yes walking away was the thing to do. I’ll just chalk the wipe waste up to Homeschool imaginary play.

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