Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So yesterday I broke down and did something I have never done before. I took all of my clothes to the laundry mat even though I have perfectly good laundry equipment at home. I have never liked doing laundry so having had morning sickness the past few months has just made it extremely hard to keep up, to the point where I just haven’t. My laundry room (thank goodness for doors that close) had gotten piled so high with clothes that I just wouldn’t want to go in there. In truth it had become quite overwhelming. Anyway, Shawn got home early yesterday from work so I loaded up the van with all the clothes and headed over to the laundromat. I’m SO GLAD I did THAT!! I was there for about two hours whereas if I had somehow managed to do it at home it would have been an all day project and with children it most probably would have been more then one day. I already have about half the clothes folded and am excited to be able to start fresh (no pun intended J ) with the laundry. It will be nice to be able to walk into my laundry room without having to step over all he clothes. Oh (sigh) the simple things in life.

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