Aprons- Y/N?
Yes, I am actually in the process of sewing one now. I love wearing my"Edwardian" Apron I made but I like it so much I don't like wearing it all the time for fear that it will get stained.
Baking-Favorite Things to Bake?
I love baking Cookies!
Clothesline- Y/N?
Yes, we have one in the back yard. I don't use it all that much though.
Donuts- Ever made them?
Yes, I love home-made donuts. The recipe I have used calls for mashed potatoes. They are very good!
Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday?
Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer?
No, but we are looking into buying one this summer.
Garbage Disposal- Y/N?
Yes, I enjoy having it.
Handbook- Y/N?
I was inspired by Kim’s Home Mgt Journal Project at Starry Sky Ranch. I have started my own like many others and am very pleased with the results.
Ironing- Love it or hate it?
Hate it!
Junk Drawer- Where is it?
lol, we have a few of these. Kitchen, hallway and yes even my top dresser drawer.
Kitchen- Design and decorating?
I enjoy my kitchen. On the counter there are few tiles that have some cute little geese with bows around their necks. I don’t think I would have put them there myself but they are sweet.
Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking?
Oh gosh there are so many... Being able to prepare a nice dinner for my family. The satisfaction of stepping back and looking at a clean bathroom, kitchen or heck whatever is clean and orderly.
Mop- Y/N?
Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer?
Wash them in the washer and then air dry
Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check?
Open the door I don’t trust my judgment by looking through the window
Pizza- What do you put on yours?
I like pretty much everything on it.
Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
It has been my computer time but I'm trying to make it my personal prayer time however here I am having fun with a Meme.
Recipe card box- Y/N?
That and more.
Style of house-
One story bluish grayish house, three bedrooms two baths.
Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N?I love tablecloths but I have not been able to find one that fits my square table. We do use paper napkins.
Under the kitchen sink- Organized or toxic wasteland?
Toxic wasteland.
Vacuum- How many times a week?
4-5 times
Wash- How many loads do you do a week?
I guess I've never counted. Its constant thing.
X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off?
Yard- Who does what?
My DH tends to most things outdoors but I do a bit myself
ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day?
Check on children and make sure they are covered, Kiss Dh good night, and God bless.
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